Coming out in inverted commas because I'm unsure as to how I feel about the term. No one should feel obligated to declare their sexuality - it is a very personal thing. However, we live in a world where people are assumed heterosexual until they assert otherwise, and as such coming out is often a practical thing you have to do. How can we expect to obtain our rights, without first asserting that we exist?

Coming Out To...

We live in a world where people are assumed heterosexual until they assert otherwise, and as such "coming out" is often just a practical thing one has to do. 

I personally don't think there is anything wrong with this assumption because let's face it: the majority of the human population leans towards heterosexuality. But in an ideal world, that fact shouldn't hinder the proper treatment of those whose sexualities are in a minority, or lead to erasure and denial of rights. 

With the posts listed on this page, I find out just how much the real and the ideal diverge as I tell people that I am bisexual. I will be writing about all kinds of people - friends and family to colleagues and co-workers. Some folk will be Muslims, religious or not, and others may be atheist or agnostic. Many will be from Bangladesh or have their roots there. Because I'm often waiting for people to write for me, I won't be able to post in chronological order. However, the list below I'm arranging properly, starting with my best friend who I came out to first. 

Links to all of my Coming Out to... posts so far.

Coming Out to...the Best Friend

Coming Out to...the Unexpected Best Friend

Coming Out to...the Sensible Friend

Coming Out to...the Male Friend

Coming Out to...the Little Brother

Coming Out to...the Colleagues, Part 1

আমার উভকামিতা: খালাতো বোনের প্রতিক্রিয়া
Coming out to...the Closest Cousin

Coming Out to...the Youngest Aunt

Coming Out to...the Colleagues, Part 2

Coming Out to...the Colleagues, Part 3

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