I wonder if I'm close to my parents. I don't really miss them, and moving out from under their roof was a relief. I barely call or email. We talk, but they are the ones who initiate contact. Yet when I fly to their's, it's nice to see them. We have a very open, forthright relationship that should be the envy of many a family. It's been hard work getting here though, as reading some of my other posts will show. We still have our fights and we disagree frequently. Often I wonder if there's any point to working on my relationship with them, given that they'll quite possibly end said relationship if I ever tell them about my sexuality.
I've always said to myself that I need to be realistic about this - the chances of my parents accepting my bisexuality are pretty slim. One day I may have to live my life completely cut off from them, and I'll be fine like I always am. But a few weeks ago I met a bisexual Bangladeshi girl in Dhaka, one who's parents know of her sexuality and are supportive. We were talking about how "out" she is, and she shrugged and told me that her parents knew and were fine with it, so what does it matter if anyone else knows or not? If I'm honest, this made me feel more than a little jealous. It also made me realise that despite the distance between my parents and I, they mean an awful lot to me. And having them in my corner would be an incredible thing.